About Me

Hey I'm Ev 👋

Welcome to my world. I've been floating around the internet since sitting in a high school computer lab in 1998 waiting for the dial tone to connect.

I was a washed up, worn out, wannabe creator for 10 years

...I left a wake of old blogs, vlogs & podcasts full of cobwebs across the internet for 10 years.

Until 2021. When I discovered how to use my ultimate creative source (my spark) to ignite a world of unlimited content ideas & energy.

And I've been creating prolific content & digital products ever since.

I share about and build digital tools for creators & knowledge works to help them get in flow, and do their best work. You'll find all my content here on the website.

But I also write around the web on Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, InstagramMedium.

By day I help fitness professionals grow and scale their businesses through marketing at COM Marketing.

Explore The Blog

Discover all of the content I write from around the internet here on the website.

Discover Digital Tools

I create premium templates & digital products to enhance your work & life.

Take A Course

Learn tools & processes through my mini-workshops & courses.


Join 1,500+ knowledge workers building smarter personal knowledge systems.

Every Sunday I drop into your inbox with a simple creative workflow to help you think clearer & create smarter.