How I Review 99.9% Of The Tweets I Bookmark For Later

Ev Chapman
September 20, 2022
2 min read

Be honest, how many of your tweet bookmarks do you go back and look at?

Judging from the tweets I've seen in the last few days the answer is... very little. This is a no judgement zone here! I had hundreds of bookmarked tweets racked up that I never ever looked at.

Until I started treating my bookmarked tweets like everything else I save online & got them off Twitter and into my note-taking app.

I knew once they were in my system, the rest would take care of itself.

This is My simple system for reviewing every tweet I bookmark:

Connect Readwise to Twitter. Readwise is great as a conduit for taking everything you consume online and getting it into your notes app.

You can connect Readwise up in two ways. It can save every tweet you bookmark (this is what I do, but beware, it backlogs them ALL). OR you can DM tweets you want to save to Readwise. I do this when I want to take a note about the tweet to remind me why I saved it in the first place.

Connect Readwise to your note-taking app. Close the loop by connecting Readwise up to whatever note-taking app you use. Now, whenever you save a tweet it will appear automatically in your notes app.

Make a time each day to go through your bookmarked tweets. If you don't set a time each day to review what's coming in via Readwise, then it will be just as much of a black hole as your bookmark link on Twitter was. Set a time each day to review them & stick to it.

And that's it! That's how I ended up going from reviewing 0.01% of my bookmarked tweets to 100% of them.


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