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How to Generate Better Ideas by Trying Less

The fastest way to solve an idea is to leave it unfinished.
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Ditch Brainstorming: Hereā€™s How to Build an Endless Idea Ecosystem Instead

Why You'll Never Run Out of Ideas Again Once You Set Up This System
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Why Your Notes Arenā€™t Working for You (And the One Shift You Need to Make)

Traditional note-taking methods mostly feel like information storage. You spend so much time organising, categorising, and filing rather than the real work of exploring & working with ideas.
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4 Simple Strategies to Finally Review Your Notes Consistently

How to Turn Reviewing Your Notes into a Habit You Actually Enjoy
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How to Find and Share Ideas No One Else Is Talking About

Three beliefs held me back from getting started sharing my ideas online. (And the simple shift I made to overcome them) ā†“
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Talk It Out: 3 Effective Ways to Capture Ideas with Your Voice

Capturing ideas might be one of the most important practices we can develop as humans. But is writing or typing the only way to capture those ideas? Think again...
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The Unexpected Way to Gain Deep Insights from Social Media

Social media gets a bad wrap these days. And for some good reasons. It's easy to get caught up with the doomscrolling, letting it distract us, getting into arguments we shouldn't, helping us procrastinate, not doing good things for our mental health. And yet. It's still my biggest category of saved items in my knowledge library & serves me up a wealth of new ideas every single day.
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3 Weird Things I Do to Stay Inspired Every Day

One weird habit has kept me consistently writing for the past four years.Before I was known as Ev Chapman, Prolific Creator. I was Ev Chapman, Wannabe creator.
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4 Simple Steps to Make Your Notes More Useful In Real Life Projects

What if you didn't have to start each project with a blank page?
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Forget Book Summaries: This Note-Taking Method Will Change How You Read Books

Unpopular Opinion: You don't need to create a book summary from your notes to make them useful. This isn't Miss Johnson's fifth grade class šŸ¤“
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Ditch The Habit, Embrace The Practice: Watch Your Writing Transform

Every morning I sit down, choose an idea then start writing & exploring.Not to produce any particular content. But to find out what's inside me (& unlock it from the depths of my brain)
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Why Your Personal Knowledge Is Going To Waste (And How To Change That)

The ultimate guide to building a personal knowledge platform that turns information into insight & knowledge you'll actually use.
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How I Use Tana as My Commonplace Book To Unlock Everyday Wisdom

A renaissance practice for the modern information world: How to start a commonplace practice to organise your thoughts & build your knowledge.
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The Reading Workflow That Helps Me Turn Information Into Knowledge

For a long time I read a lot of books and never actually did anything useful with the notes I took.
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My Powerful Note-Taking Workflow That Turns Information Into Insight āš”ļø

Peek behind the scenes into my workflow for taking notes from articles I read using Matter and turning them into real insights & knowledge.
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How To Keep A Full Writing Inbox (That Serves You Inspiration Everyday)

My Writing Inbox is one inbox I prefer full not empty
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The Four Stages Of Building Knowledge

Ideas take time to emerge. I rarely go from a new spark idea to a fully formed thesis in one spark writing session. They need time to soak & marinate. Often over days, weeks or even months.
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How to Build a Spark Writing Practice That Will Ignite Your Creativity

I've been building what I now call my Spark Writing habit for the past 3 years. I'm not sure I've explained this before, but It's actually what set me on the path of becoming a creator and writing online. The more I built knowledge privately, the more I wanted to share publicly.
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How To Swap Your Blank Screen For A Content Bank Overflowing With Ideas

Even after 10+ years as a content marketer, I still hate that moment at the start of the week when Iā€™m staring down the barrel of a blank screen, wondering what to post.So I swapped a blank screen for a šŸ¦ Content Bank full of ideas.
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6,000 Thoughts a Day: Why A Capture Habit is Crucial for Content Creators

Capturing ideas is the single most important thing I do as a creator everyday.It's a cornerstone habit that cascades into every part of my content creation. When I sit down to 'do content' I don't have to spend any time brainstorming ideas. I have more than enough ideas to work with because I've captured them beforehand.
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Why 'Think Writing' Should Be Your New Daily Habit (& Why It Will 10x Your Content Production)

Most creators spend the majority of their writing time... writing content.And at first, this seems logical. You need to create content right? But if the only time you ever write is to produce content - you're on a downward spiral to burnout.Instead, I spend 80% of my time 'Think Writing' and 20% 'Content Writing'
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How To Work In Your 'Spark Of Genius' Everyday

Why do we subject ourselves to so many unwritten rules as creators and writers? One of these unwritten rules I decided to ditch was: If I didn't write it last week I MUST write it this week.
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How I Create Consistent Content Every Day With One Simple Morning Routine

For the past 2 years I have had one morning routine: Wake Up Make Coffee & Write. It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a weekday or weekend, I'm on holiday, in the middle of a busy time at work, or whatever - I do the same thing each morning.
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How I Turned A PKM Tool Into My Own Personal Coach

When I'm not creating content for the internet I'm a marketing coach.It took me a long time to embrace the role of coach in my life. When I first got started I thought I was supposed to have all the answers and that was why my clients were coming to me.
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My Word (& New Role) For 2023

At the beginning of each year I choose a word to theme my year. It's a word that focuses me and provides a lens to make decisions, take action & frame everything I do. It's less of a goal or a 'thing to do' and more of an intention that infuses my thoughts, my actions, my goals & my days.
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How To Be A Lifelong Learner (even if you hated school)

Most people stop learning when they finish school or university. School gives structure to our learning for the first years of our life. But when we finish school, unless we continue to be intentional about learning & growth, we end up wandering through life, maybe reading a few books (if we're lucky).
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How I Review 99.9% Of The Tweets I Bookmark For Later

Be honest, how many of your tweet bookmarks do you go back and look at?Judging from the tweets I've seen in the last few days the answer is... very little. This is a no judgement zone here! I had hundreds of bookmarked tweets racked up that I never ever looked at.
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A Three Step Guide To Organising Your Roam Research 'Brainā€™

When I first started using Roam Research I didn't get. I had come from a very rigid system that required a lot of processing and maintenance. And suddenly I was staring at a blank page wondering how on earth is this going to be better at organising my brain?
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You're Thinking About Your Notes Inbox All Wrong

I currently have over 600 notes in my writing inbox. It's not because I neglect to process them (it's the first thing I do every day). It's because my outcome is not about getting to zero. Just like the number of pages left at the bottom of my kindle books I wish I could simply turn off the constant nagging that I'm trying to get to the end of everything.
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Why You Should Actually Forget Most Of The Things You Capture

Should you really capture everything that comes into your head? Weā€™ve come to take it as gospel that our knowledge management system or our ā€˜second brainā€™ should act like our first brain - only better. Our first brain for some odd reason canā€™t hold a lot of stuff that this modern world throws at us.
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Episode 1 of Digital Hoarders: Burn šŸ”„ Your Old Notes!

I had someone ask me recently how I managed to move all my 10 years worth of notes from Evernote into my new system in Notion & then into Roam Research. The truth is, I didn't. I literally abandoned everything in Evernote and started again.
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Forget Spaced Repetition: The Foolproof Way To 'Remember' Your Notes

I don't review my notes in the typical way most PKM gurus will tell you to do. Most people treat their notes like a filing cabinet. Writing them and then filing them away for some later use. But who wants to drag files out of a filing cabinet every week to add to the 'review' pile? How boring (and no wonder people fail when it comes to 'reviewing' their notes).
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How Great Creators Take Notes

Most creators still take notes like they are in Miss Buckman's 6th grade class summarising that book they only half read and wished they had watched the movie instead. If you want to create your own unique ideas that stand out, here's how you should be taking notes instead. Great creators are great consumers. But they are not summarising every single word they read & hoarding it away for when they might need it.
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This Journaling Technique Will Make You Wildly Productive

Do you journal at work? When most people talk about journaling they do it in the context of their personal lives. You don't often hear people talk about journaling when it comes to work. But I've found that work journalling can actually make you a more productive, happier employee.
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You Don't Need To Be A Creator To Build A Knowledge Library

I've often wondered if I wasn't a creator would I still be so bullish on building a knowledge library? And the answer is a resounding YES. It might look a little different with different kinds of knowledge stored. But I believe building a knowledge library can help accelerate whatever you are pursuing in life.
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Your Notes Are Meant For Much More Than Just Storing Away

For years I clipped notes from things I was reading & consuming and put them into a notes inbox to process. I was under the impression like many people that notes were some static thing that were meant to be stored away for safekeeping in case I might need them sometime. I was optimising the process of note-taking for storage.
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How To Take Multiple Courses At A Time (& Actually Finish Them)

In the last 2 years, I can't tell you the number of courses I've signed up. Some I've finished, some I've completely forgotten about simply because life is busy and there's always a lot going on. No matter how good they are if they are not front and centre in my system they just get left behind.
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