I Have A Magical Playlist 🎶 To Instantly Get You In The Flow. No Really

Ev Chapman
May 18, 2021

I've been struggling to focus lately.

I'm flitting from one tab to another, constantly checking my phone, jumping on Twitter every 5 minutes (reading all the amazing essays). But getting any kind of focused work done has been painful and fleeting.

So, this afternoon I grabbed my headphones, headed for a sunny corner in a cafe, and switched on a rather magical playlist. Almost INSTANTLY I was transported into a state of calm, relaxed, flow.

What was this magical, instant flow playlist, you ask?

Music for the brain... Binaural Beats 🎶🧠

A Binaural What!?

Binaural beats are an auditory illusion caused by listening to two tones of slightly different frequency, one in each ear.

Yeah, read that a few times and let it sink in. It's safe to say, I don't exactly understand the mechanics of the brain and how these beats work technically.

But I know they 100% work for my brain.

Binaural beats are said to boost focus, promote relaxation and reduce stress, depending on the frequency they are produced at:

👉 Delta. Good for deep sleep and pain relief.

👉 Theta. Good for REM Sleep, deep relaxation and creative work.

👉 Alpha. Good for relaxed focused, stress reduction and fast learning.

👉 Beta. Good for Focussed attention, problem solving and thinking.

👉 Gamma. Good for high level cognition, peak awareness & memory recall.

If you're struggling to get into the flow. Or Twitter notifications have taken over your world, find a binaural playlist on Spotify or Youtube and give em a go.

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