I Quit Productivity. Now I Get Far More Done Every Day

Ev Chapman
May 28, 2021

A quick browse through Quora & you quickly realise people are obsessed with productivity.

We have become programmed to fill our days with as many tasks as we can. And we call it productivity. Wearing 'busy' around like a badge of honour. But what if true productivity was about doing less?

What if true productivity was only working on our highest ROI tasks?

On any given day I have 100 things I could be working on. Instead of killing myself to do 100 things I ask myself what top 3 things are going to bring the highest return on invtestment... to myself, to my company, to the people around me.

And I do those 3 things.

But what about the other 97 things that need to get done? Here's how I deal with those.

👉 Delegate. I'm lucky enough to have a team that I can delegate to. I didn't always use them. Thinking instead I could do a better and faster job. I was wrong. I delegate all the things now.

👉 Automate. I didn't always have a team. So I employed technology to do the hard work for me. Automating repetitive tasks and freeing up my time.

👉 Batching. If all else fails and you just have to get a whole lot of low ROI tasks done. Batch them together in one of your low-energy times throughout the day.

👉 Re-Prioritise. Every few weeks I sit down with my boss and re-prioritise everything according to the business goals.

👉 Delete. 50% of the tasks on your list don't need to be done.

You'll go infinitely farther if you work on the highest ROI tasks everyday. You'll lap those busy people over and over again without working up a sweat.

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