Why The Advice To Read One Book A Time Is Terrible Advice.

Ev Chapman
May 19, 2021

Reading one book a time is hugely inefficient.

I've always been an avid reader. My favorite place to hang out at school was in the library. But there was always one thing that bugged me about reading. The advice that you should only read one book at a time.

The problem with that is that if you're not enjoying that ONE book you'll create friction every time you pick it up, and eventually you'll associate the ACT of reading with something that is boring.

By having multiple books to choose from you can follow your interests around and always find something interesting to read. Although I try not to have more than five on the go at one time.

Here's what's on my bookshelf right now:

The Almanac of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson. Great for some motivation and easy to do in bit size chunks.

This One Wild & Precious Life by Sarah Wilson. A wonderful book on how to wake up to life and embrace this one wild and precious life.

The Five Hour Workday by Stephan Aarstol. A revolution is coming and it's called the five hour workday. I'm here for it.

How to take smart notes by Sonke Ahrens. My second time around this absolute classic. I can truly say it changed my life.

Genius Foods by Max Lugavere. The power food can have on your brain.

Work Clean by Dan Charnas. The principles of mis-en-place for your life, your work and your mind.

Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for having a few books on the go.

I’m curious? What’s on your bookshelf?

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