You Don't Need To Be A Creator To Build A Knowledge Library

Ev Chapman
May 9, 2022
2 min read

I've often wondered if I wasn't a creator would I still be so bullish on building a knowledge library?

And the answer is a resounding YES. It might look a little different with different kinds of knowledge stored. But I believe building a knowledge library can help accelerate whatever you are pursuing in life.

Even fun things like the perfect hair.

One of my favourite instances of a really practical knowledge library is Marie Poulin's Wavy Hair Journal. As she documents the techniques & products she is using on a daily basis she is literally building a compounding library of knowledge & learning much faster than if she tried to keep all that in her head.

Over the last couple of years, I've been learning how to cook without recipes.

For the first year, I just fumbled my way through, clipping recipes, and keeping random notes on a flavour combination that I liked. But I didn't get very far until I decided to start building a compounding knowledge library of flavours. Here's what happened:

I stopped cooking things I don't like. When you don't develop knowledge on things that don't work you are bound to make the same mistakes again.

I discovered more flavours that I do like. I've been a pretty plain eater up until now, but by experimenting with different flavours I've been able to open up to a whole new world.

It becomes intuitive. The more you document, the more you learn, and then the more the whole process starts to become intuitive. In the beginning you really on the stored information in your library, but the more you use that knowledge, the more the process becomes second nature.

So whether you are a creator, a cook, on a hair journey or at any other stage in life, a knowledge library can help you get there faster.

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