How To Build A Creative Practice Like The Great Artists

Ev Chapman
August 25, 2023

I struggled for a decade to be a creator without a creative practice

Instead of practising daily, the only time I switched on my creativity was when I needed to produce something. No wonder I struggled for so long!

You see, every great creator is fuelled by their daily creative practice:

- Coolio wrote rap lyrics every day
- Kurt Vonnegut & Jerry Seinfeld (& every other great writer you know) wrote every day
- Pablo Picasso created two works of art a day
- Chris Ofili painted a watercolour every day

Not for production. But for practice.

And this is how the greats get great.

They have a deep creative practice that drives them to create every day.

At first, the benefits seem obvious. When you put in the reps every day you get better at what you do. But it goes deeper than simple repetition.

A good creative practice will:

→ Open up the flow of your creativity
→ Help you perfect your craft
→ Keep you grounded in the joy of the process

And once I established my own creative practice everything unlocked for me. I found joy in the process of creativity without the pressure to produce.

But producing creative work suddenly became easier as well as a by-product.

Want To Start Your Own Creative Practice? Start Here  

Step 1: Ground It In The Process

A daily creative practice must be grounded in the process. If you're a writer, write. If you're a musician, play music. If you're an artist, make art. Fall in love with the process & you'll never go wrong.What's your process that you can practice?

Step 2: Think Reps

What one single component could you produce each day? During my practice, I aim to write one of these atomic ideas each day.  Chris Ofili painted a mini watercolour every day. Picasso created two works of art each day. What one thing can you commit to making each day as part of your practice?

Step 3: Make It A Ritual

There is a difference between simply putting in the reps and making something a practice. A ritual brings meaning to ordinary actions. My ritual starts like this: Wake Up. Make Coffee. WriteWhat ritual will you create around your practice to make it magic?

A good creative practice will unlock your creative potential. I know it did for me. Writing daily has become my refuge, the thing I look forward to the most every day. Everything else that comes as a result of it is a bonus.

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