
Content Creation

Systems to help you find your spark and create content around it

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How to Use AI to Kickstart Your Writing—Without Getting Generic Content

How to Turn a Messy Brain Dump Into an Outline Using AI in 10 Minutes (and while chilling on the couch)
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How To Create New Ideas From Old Content With A Simple GPT Prompt called 'Pretend Podcast'

Breath fresh life into old content with a simple chatGPT prompt that will get you thinking in ways you never thought of before
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How to Turn Your 1:1 Calls into a Goldmine of Content: Step By Step Guide

What if every time you jumped on a call with a client you could generate a bunch of content ideas at the same time?
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Turn Your Morning into a Creative Powerhouse with This Simple 3 Step Writing Routine

How I Went from Sporadic Blogging to Consistent Content Creation with One Simple Routine
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The Quirky Method I Use to Mine My Newsletter for Social Media Content

Ever feel like content creation is consuming your life? This method will save you.
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3 Cheat Codes For Non Experts To Start Sharing Your Ideas Online

We live in a world where it has never been easier to share your ideas & build an audience (& a business) around your ideas.Think about how hard that would have been 100 years ago or even 50 years ago?So why then do we struggle so much to get started?
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Less Creation, More Communication: Why Your Best Ideas Deserve a Replay

When I post about sharing ideas in multiple ways the most commented thing ends up being:'Only a portion of your audience sees every post, so sharing it multiple times means everyone sees it.'But that comment misses the whole point of WHY we should share our ideas repeatedly.
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How To Build A Creative Practice Like The Great Artists

I struggled for a decade to be a creator without a creative practice Instead of practising daily, the only time I switched on my creativity was when I needed to produce something. No wonder I struggled for so long!
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How To Build Atomic Ideas (That You Can Turn Into Endless Content)

Three years ago I was desperate to build a consistent writing practice.
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How I Structure My Daily Writing Sessions To Unlock My Ideas

One daily habit pulled me out of years of inconsistency as a creator... Establishing a Daily Spark Writing Practice.
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8 Of My Go-To Frameworks For Turning Ideas Into Content

Content is simply the communication of ideas.Lots of people have ideas, but if you can't communicate them well all those amazing ideas are going to get lost in translation.So communication is the real game of content creation.
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How To Break Down Content Creation Into Easy To Manage Phases

If weekly content planning always feels like a big lift to you, try breaking down your planning into phases instead.
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How To Extract All Your Social Media Content From One Weekly Newsletter

Most creators don't need more ideas. What they need is to extract more from the ideas they already have
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3 Daily Constraints To Help You Unlock Your Creativity and Ship More Work

Constraints are a creative person's best friend.Most of us live in hope that if we can throw off the constraints of our life we'll finally reach peak creativity. We dream about quitting our job, going full time - thinking no constraints are the answer.But maybe constraints are a feature & not a bug for our creativity?
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How To Be More Consistent By Working On Multiple Ideas Simultaneously

The common wisdom tells us we should focus & work on one thing at a time. So we dutifully create perfect content calendars for our creative work, and expect our creative spirit to fall in line with what we’ve planned.
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How To Supercharge Your Consistency As A Creator

On any one day I can have anywhere from 7-10 content ideas in different stages that I can choose to work on.Now usually, I'm a fan of focusing on just one thing. But not when it comes to content ideas. I find if I lock myself into working on just one thing my creative spirit rebels.So I like to have options.
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How To Build A Writing Practice

I write much more for myself than I ever do for you (sorry, but not sorry).That's right, what you read on my feed or my blog or my newsletter is only a small fraction of what I actually write each day.
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Four Signals Every Online Creator Should Be Looking Out For

As digital writers and creators, we have an opportunity that almost no other writer in the past has had. We get to write with our audience. We don't have to hide away and write in a cabin in the woods hoping that all our hard work will resonate.
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What I Do When I Can't Find Inspiration To Create

I never try and push out content. If I don't feel the spark, I find something else to work on.
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The BIG EASY Way To Publish Content Effortlessly

I've been writing & publishing content daily for 2 years now. My Secret?I only work on easy content ideas that I am insanely interested in.
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A Creators Gentle, Unhurried Holiday Routine

I'm logged off from my full-time job for the next 3 and a half weeks 🙌And while I love my job, as a part-time creator times like these are bliss. No juggling commitments, just lots of time & space to work on 'creator things.'
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How Failing Maths Turned Me Into A Creator

Let me tell you a story that might help you understand me a little better. I failed maths in my senior year (year 12 in Australia). Not because I'm bad at maths, but because my maths teacher couldn't explain to me how I would use Differential Calculus & the Second Derivative in real life.
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Three Ways To Show Up When You Don’t Feel Creative

I've been struggling to write and create content lately. Oh, you didn't notice (or maybe you did)? I'm good at hiding it. I mean I have put content out there - but haphazardly. I have ideas, but every time I sit down to write and publish I'm blocked.
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How To Design Your Day As A Creative Person: Maker Time V Manager Time

Do you find it hard to get anything done if you have a meeting scheduled in the middle of your morning? You're probably a maker (I find most creative people are). And the problem is that most of us creatives work with a bunch of managers who can compartmentalise their day into one-hour chunks.
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How To Make Your Content Last Longer With The Remix & Reuse Method

I hate the word 're-purpose' when it comes to content creation. It makes me cringe so hard. The thing is the tools we use to make it really easy to create one piece of content, press a button and then spray it all over the internet. I call this the spray & pray method.
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How To Build A Content Idea Capture System in Tana

Today I want to show you how I capture ideas in Tana and use Supertags to make it easy to add fields and default content specific to certain content types. So rather than having a bunch of fields that are not applicable to certain content, you can add only the ones you need. Plus I'll show you how you can powerful search and filter through all your ideas.
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What To Do When You Hit A Creative Slump

I've been a bit quiet lately. If you've been missing the yellow essays of late, there's a good reason why... I haven't been posting them. The simple answer is... I've been in THE DIP. I'm pretty sure Seth Godin termed the phrase, but it's something that every creative person is familiar with and faces at some point (multiple points). Everything feels hard, everything is a push uphill.
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The Insanely Easy Way To Turn Every Moment Into Content

There are so many different ways to come up with ideas for content as a creator.Depending on who you follow, you'll find so many good frameworks, templates & tools for brainstorming content. Leverage your expertise, learn & document, have content buckets, answer questions, curate content, use AI to brainstorm your content.
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Four Ways To Find The Time To Be A Prolific Creator

A lot of people ask me how I can fit everything I do as a creator into my life while holding down a full-time job. But when I look at my schedule it's an easy fit. I wake up early, I don't have kid commitments, I don't commute to an office, I watch very little Netflix.
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The Non-Experts Guide To Getting Started As A Creator

I held myself back for so many years from jumping into the creator economy because I didn’t feel like an ‘expert.’ Even though anyone can turn on a camera or put words on a page we still have this mindsset that we must have something expert to say before we do.
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How AI Can Write A Blog Post For You In Less Than 10 Minutes

AI is the future of content apparently. A few weeks ago I had an employee who submitted some email copy to me that just seemed off. The assignment was simple, take a podcast that was already produced and repurpose it into written email copy. She’s an experience content writer so I asked her about it.
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Never Suffer From Writers Block Again... Guaranteed

When you've been writing for any amount of time you'll be guaranteed to come up against the 'I have nothing to write' days.I've got a pretty good pile of ideas that I keep on the go, but even then I experience these days like everyone else where I just can't seem to get the words out in the way I want to get them out.
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Four Writing Templates To Supercharge Your Productivity

Mastering writing templates will supercharge your productivity as a creator But most creators I know never take the time to create any. For the past year, I’ve published over 300 essays & articles, thousands of tweets & a weekly newsletter while still having a full-time job. People often ask me how I can produce so much with so little time and the answer is — I use templates for everything.
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Consistency Is A Skill

Consistency is a skill... One I thought I'd never build. Until I did. If you want to be more consistent as a creator, read on. I spent years beating myself up for not being consistent as a creator (& I still beat myself up for going months between Youtube videos!). The only place I've found consistency is here on Twitter... where I show up everyday, here's a few of my secrets to consistency.
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You're Wasting Your Best Content On Social Media Feeds.

Most creators let their best content get lost in social media feeds never to be seen again. Rather than simply throwing your content into the stream of social media feeds to let it drift away into the anals of the algorithm, what if you could build a library of leveraged content. Here's how...
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4 Powerful Reasons To Start Creating Content Online

It seems everyone is about content marketing these days... 10 Years ago I was banging on to business owners about content marketing. To me, it seemed so simple. Create content, attract an audience of loyal people, and they buy from you as a result.
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Why Rituals Will Make You An Insanely Consistent Creator

My coffee machine broke on the weekend and it's completely disrupted my writing routine. You see every morning I have exactly the same ritual. Wake up. Make Coffee. Sit down and write. It's my favourite time of the day. But now it just feels like something is off.
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