The "Masterchef Prep Method" Creators Can Use To Plan Their Weeks Like A Pro

Ev Chapman
September 28, 2022

Do you prep for your creator week?

You never see a Masterchef running around the kitchen like a lunatic during service time. They move from pan to pot, have everything at their fingertips that they need and plate everything up gracefully. They make it look SO easy.

And it’s because they’ve spent a disproportionate amount of time prepping.

One of the biggest mistakes I see creators make is that they are so keen to get things published that they take very little time to prep. So they run around like crazy in their creator kitchen, going from one thing to the next and wearing themselves out.

And you can't do that for very long before you burn out and give it all up.

Just like a chef might sit down and prepare the menu for the following day or week, as a creator you should sit down and prepare your menu for the week. And I'm not just talking about 'planning.' But actually prepping everything ready for when the craziness of the week comes.

Here's How To Prep Your Week As A Creator Like PRO MasterChef

Step 1: Plan Your Menu

There is nothing worse than getting into a busy week and feeling overwhelmed and behind the eight ball. So before the craziness of the week hits make a shortlist of things you want to work on.

Whether that is a list of essays or articles you want to work on, some videos you want to outline or film or whatever it is you create.

Grab out your notes app and jot down a quick list of the things you wish to publish that week. I often have a bigger pile of ideas that I have captured that I look through and choose a few that light me up that I want to work on.

A typical Up Next week looks like this 👇

It's less like a content calendar and more like a loose list of ideas that you are excited to work on. Consider this your menu done so you know what you’re serving up to your audience for that week.

Step 2: Prep The Ingredients

Once you know the menu, it's time to prep your ingredients. Go through each of your menu items and brain dump everything that is on your mind about each of them.

Get all the ideas out on the page - even if they look ugly. You are going to thank yourself for this when it comes to getting it written & published that week.

A typical brain dump for one of my articles. I try to get as much out as I can on the page so all I have to do is some quick editing throughout the week.

The final thing I do is go to my notes library and find any notes, quotes or research that might support that idea and dump them into my draft.

You should end up with a bunch of words on the page which means that when you go to write you're not starting from scratch and even if you have zero energy you can still get things published with relative ease.

Step 3: Plate It Up

Once you've done all the prep work your week just looks like a chef in service. Gracefully plating things up and serving them to your audience in what looks like graceful ease!

Because you've already chosen your ideas & organised your thoughts, all you need to do during the week is simply bring everything together and hit publish - the fun part!

And you'll be surprised how quickly things come together to be published

The weeks that I do this I get a massive amount of content out and it feels easy. The weeks I don’t I often miss publishing altogether because everything just feels too hard.


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