Three Essential Practices Of A Daily Writer (that are not writing)

Ev Chapman
August 21, 2021

There is no such thing as an 'overnight success.' Just someone who put in the reps daily in the dark.

As a creator, we all experience the rollercoaster ride of the highs and lows. Your daily practices are what grounds you & becomes your compass, your north star no matter what is going on around you.

Apart from writing, here are three of my daily practices

Creators Consume

  • The greatest creators in history were insanely curious. They exposed themselves to new ideas every day collecting and connecting them together.
  • I use my Consumer 2 Creator Framework which is based on Zettelkasten to help me capture, consume and create new content every day.

Creators Connect

  • Writing can be lonely, solitary work. But it doesn't have to be a lonely existence. I'd tried creating on my own many times in the past and failed.
  • I can honestly say the number #1 reason I'm still writing today is that I've found a crew of people to do it with. It's one of the best motivators. Every day I'm interacting with them on Twitter, reaching out via DM & jumping on zooms & Rackets for conversations.

Creators Take Notice

  • You don't need to have an extraordinary life to create extraordinary work. There is magic all around you, you just need to open your eyes and take notice. Find the magic in the mundane as Austin Kleon puts it.
  • Then document it like crazy. Write it all down, keep a notebook, take notes, take photos, don't miss one damn crazy idea.

Becoming a good creator doesn't happen by accident, it takes deliberate practice and a focus on intentional habits. And one day you might emerge from the dark as an 'overnight success.'

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